Do speed, quality and flexibility matter for your fragrance or flavor creation?
A fragrance formula generally consists of a myriad of materials, which are blended to achieve the target fragrance. In a process that is typically time consuming to perfect, many versions are created prior to the final stage of a new fragrance.
With Quanta, a fragrance formula can be developed within hours, enabling you to respond first to a customer briefing.
Quanta doses with precision
Quanta’s high accuracy results in less inventory held onsite. Permitting a greater flexibility of batch sizes, Quanta doses very small amounts, or much larger amounts, as required.
Rapid, simultaneous dosing
This robotic automation system is compatible with over two thousand materials. Quanta can dispense up to 800 raw materials simultaneously, in under a minute.
Contact our team to explore how Quanta can streamline your existing production process.
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