Companies in the Flavors & Fragrances industry have complex supply chains with seasonal fluctuations in raw material flows and market trends. To ensure manufacturers get ingredients to their factories on time, supply chains must be fast and flexible, cost-optimized and eco-friendly. Michael Pelletier, Head of Flavors & Fragrances Americas at Bolloré Logistics, provides insights on supply chain challenges and solutions for the F&F industry.
P&F+: What are some current trends/issues/opportunities in the F&F industry? What role does Bolloré Logistics play in the evolving F&F industry?
MP: More than ever, due to current conditions in the air and ocean freight market, our F&F customers need support to have their products delivered to the right place and at the right time. Visibility, flexibility, pro-activity and solutions are key.
We have been partnering with the main F&F players for the past 15 years and have developed expertise and solutions dedicated to this industry. Our F&F market understanding along with our existing air and ocean solutions and global network are a great asset to support our clients.
We also have expertise on some specific F&F products. As an example, thanks to our setup in Madagascar, Bolloré Logistics handles 65% of the vanilla export.
We follow the F&F industry evolution and invest in solutions accordingly.
P&F+: Could you explain some of your strategies to achieve sustainability and CSR goals? What does that process look like?
MP: Since 2017, the CSR policy has been one of our main pillars of Bolloré Logistics' overall strategy. In 2018, the company launched its CSR "Powering Sustainable Logistics" program, defined collectively with our customers and employees. Founded on standard ISO 26000, it mobilizes the company around 11 commitments with quantified objectives to reach by 2030 and targets in particular, 8 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Bolloré Logistics strives daily to develop an end-to-end environmentally-friendly offer. There are numerous existing solutions to reduce the environmental impact of transport and logistics: sustainable fuel for aviation, biofuel for maritime and road transport, implementing alternative transport plans, using reusable packaging, a CO2e dashboard and more.
P&F+: Could you touch on the benefits of Bolloré Logistics’ Real-Time visibility for consumers?
MP: For one international shipment we can count more than 200 interactions with more than 20 different players. Integrity and security of sensitive shipments need to be precisely followed-up during interactions, with good data accuracy regarding the milestones of the shipments. Issues must be handled proactively and as soon as possible, and stock management should be estimated precisely.
Bolloré Logistics B.Lab innovation center developed Real Time Monitoring to answer precise visibility needs. It allows tracking and monitoring of shipment conditions for end-to-end sensitive and high value shipments such as F&F with proactive alert management. Thanks to an on-board sensor, data such as location, temperature, hygrometry, brightness and shocks are collected all along the supply chain. Centralized on a digital platform accessible 24/7, they are analyzed in real time. A dedicated organization makes it possible to alert customers of any deviation but specially to prevent and correct them through continuity plans.
P&F+: What are the current focuses of Bolloré Logistics? Any short term or long term goals that are on the agenda you can share?
MP: Bolloré Logistics continues to invest in its people, the key driving force of the company. Local recruitment, social inclusion and staff upskilling are among the key focuses of the company strategy. Through high-quality training via classrooms and e-learning, B’University offers content specific to the transport and logistics professions as well as more general occupational disciplines such as management, ethics, trade, finance and languages.
Operational purchasing is the essence of our activity since purchasing efficiently is paramount to retain existing clients, or gain new ones, and overall ensures the implementation of our strategy based on profitable growth.
Click here to learn more about Bolloré Logistics solution for the F&F industry or complete the form at the right to download our brochure and request more information.
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