Global natural spice and herb flavor extract provider Kalsec, Inc. has been accepted into the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform (SAI Platform).
“We believe the SAI Platform allows Kalsec to build more robust sustainable supply chains for our agricultural raw materials and utilize and benchmark with global sustainability standards acknowledged by our peers, customers and the consumer,” said Jim Justice, vice president of corporate responsibility and resource management.
Created in 2002 by the food industry, the SAI Platform works to support sustainable agricultural practices, including the efficient production of safe, high-quality agricultural products, while protecting and improving the natural environments and the farmers, employees and local communities that are supported by them. Currently, the platform has over 90 members representing different aspects of the value chain, including traders, cooperatives, retailers, processors and brand companies.
“Our raw materials are sourced in over 30 countries,” said Gustavo Puente, vice president of procurement. “Being a member of the SAI Platform will enable us to go beyond our current responsible sourcing practices. We will be able to increase our positive impact on the people we work with and the environments which give us our plant materials. The Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA) tool will help us drive continuous improvement in our various sourcing models. We started this year with our domestically managed farms in which we received a Silver rating.”