2,6-Dimethylpyrazine, natural W327312
Supplier: MilliporeSigma
Natural occurrence: Beef, beer, bread, coffee, garlic, fenugreek, kohlrabi, tea and whiskey.
FEMA# 3273, CAS# 108-50-9
Odor: @ 1%. Burnt, brown, nutty, roasted and meaty.
Taste: @ 2 ppm. Nutty, brown, nut skinlike, roasted and oily.
Taste: @ 5 ppm. Nutty, slightly bitter, brown, roasted and musty.
Possible applications: The dark, brown notes of this pyrazine will complement roasted notes in flavors including peanut and hazelnut, dark chocolate, burnt sugar, espresso coffee, tobacco and roast meats like beef, chicken and pork.
MilliporeSigma: sigmaaldrich.com
Peppermint extract natural SM1331902
Supplier: Sensient Flavors LLC
FEMA# GRAS, CAS# 84082-70-2, Mentha piperita
Odor: @ 100%. Fresh, sweet, minty and cooling.
Taste: @ 5 ppm. Fresh, sweet, cooling, green, leafy and minty.
Possible application: With its fresh, sweet notes this extract will brighten mint flavors for tea, alcoholic beverages and candy. At low levels it will add a cool, fresh vibe to cucumber, celery and green pepper flavor as well as honeydew and watermelon.
Sensient Flavors: sensient.com