RIFM Hosting Overview of Fragrance Ingredient Database

The RIFM Database has more than 80,000 references that include approximately 200,000 human health and environmental studies.
The RIFM Database has more than 80,000 references that include approximately 200,000 human health and environmental studies.
Adobe Stock/studioworkstock

The RIFM Database Team is hosting an in-depth overview of its fragrance ingredient database on May 22, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. EDT.

The event, which is open to the public, will cover the following topics: 

  • Discrete Chemicals
  • Natural Complex Substances (NCS)
  • Chemical Clustering
  • Exclusive Data Summaries and Tools

The RIFM Database has more than 80,000 references that include approximately 200,000 human health and environmental studies.

Christen Sachse-Vasquez, director, technical information and services, said, "The science supporting the ongoing safe use of fragrance ingredients begins with the RIFM Database. This event will provide fragrance safety stakeholders curious about access and/or membership as well as longtime RIFM Members an opportunity to discover the full power of the Database and meet and interact with the dedicated, knowledgeable staff who ensure it reflects the most current information that ultimately informs RIFM’s safety evaluations.”

RIFM President Anne Marie Api, Ph.D., Fellow ATS, said, "Data is just one facet of the platform. RIFM houses many additional resources in the Database, including tools used by RIFM science staff and member companies, including the Toxicity Data Search Engine tool.”

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