Where: Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe, 100 Frank W. Burr Blvd., Teaneck, NJ 07666
When: October 15 (schedule available here)
Registration: Amy Reuter; tel: 1-202-293-5800
The term “green” has become so ubiquitous as to be essentially meaningless. In an age in which everyone from personal care companies to oil giants are employing the term, what does it mean to be green?
On October 15, the Fragrance Materials Association will explore this question in-depth. (Details below.) How does the green trend affect the fragrance industry? How are formulators responding? What are the consumer-product companies doing?
The event is particularly timely in light of an August bulletin issued by the FMA (bolding ours –Ed.), which stated:
The California State Assembly recently adopted S.B. 509 to require the Department to create an internet-based, publicly accessible Toxics Information Clearinghouse for data on chemicals and potential hazards. The legislation would also give the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment until Jan. 1, 2011 to evaluate, through a public process, hazard traits and environmental and toxicological endpoints for the clearinghouse. The requirements would apply to consumer products defined as "a product or part of the product that is used, brought or leased for use by a person for any purposes." S.B. 509 must return to the Senate for concurrence on amendments before heading to the Governor's desk.
As you may recall, S.B. 509 was originally drafted as an ingredient disclosure bill. Due to the fact that FMA, working with the Consumer Specialty Products Association (CSPA) and the Soap and Detergent Association (SDA), was not able to reach an agreement with the bill's sponsor on the protection of Confidential Business Information, S.B. 509 will now become part of A.B. 1879, which is essentially a "green chemistry" bill. Under A.B. 1879, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control would have two years to develop a science-based plan to evaluate chemicals of concern and study alternatives to the chemicals. The agency would also have the authority to restrict use or ban chemicals if warranted. Once the amendments to both bills are approved by the Senate and Assembly they will be sent to Governor Schwarzenegger for his signature. The Governor is expected to sign the bills into law.