If the COIVD-19 pandemic permits, BSP plans to host in-person events in 2021.
The British Society of Perfumers (BSP) has announced that the remainder of events in 2020 will be run online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with the hopes that by January 2021 it will be able to host some in-person events.
September 2020
- Webinar (provisional date September 9, 2020): In conversation with Christophe Laudamiel direct from New York with Nicola Pozzani and Marianne Martin. All three are passionate about perfumery education today.
October 2020
- Webinar: A perfumer panel from around the globe, including Greece, India and from across the pond, all with connections to the United Kingdom in some way.
November 2020
- Supplier evening online: to be confirmed.
January 2021
- Joint BSP/BSF meeting at HUB: Chrissie Kelly from AbScent talking about loss of smell and current research into the area.
- Essential Oils: Hugh Boville, Manchester—date to be confirmed.
February 2021
- Joint BSP/SCS meeting: SCS to organize.
March 2021
- BSP Workshop Weekend: March 26 through March 28, 2021, Cambridge.
- Osmothèque: Manchester.
April 2021
- Evening with Lewis Peacock in Manchester and Edward Bodenham in London.
May 2021
- One Day Symposium: May 6, 2021.