The British Society of Flavourists (BSF) will hold its Annual General Meeting on May 23, 2007 at Whipsnade Wild Animal Park Conference Center, United Kingdom. The meeting will begin at 11:00 am and include the president's and treasurer's reports. The elections to council will follow. Both Steve Pearce (president) and Ian Gordon (vice president) will continue to serve another year in their current positions. The following officers are up for reelection in their current positions and are the council's candidates: Christopher Goddard (honorary secretary) and Jack Knights (honorary treasurer). Debbie Heron has retired as honorary membership secretary and Huda Kateb is up for election as the council's candidate. There are two vacancies for a fellow position, one for the associates position and one for student representative.
BSF to Vote for 2007 Council
Nov 14th, 2008