The Flavor and Extract Manufacturer's Association (FEMA) has opened registration for its 98th Annual Convention. You can download the printed registration materials or register online at The Web site also features the event's schedule of events. The event will take place from May 6–9 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida. This year's convention features more time for committees to meet and share information. There will be an important session regarding strategies for the future of FEMA for every member company. In addition to the regular business meeting, FEMA will also have a comprehensive review of the Respiratory Safety issues confronting the industry. Below is the current schedule of events (stay tuned to FEMA's Web site for updates):
Sunday, May 6
7:30 am–5:00 pm: Registration/Hospitality
8:00–11:30 am: FEMA Regulatory Affairs Committee Meeting
1:00–2:45 pm: Alcohol Tax & Trade Committee Meeting
3:00–4:30 pm: Science Committee
5:30–6:30 pm: First Time Attendee Reception
6:30–8:00 pm: Welcome Reception
Monday, May 7
7:30 am–5:00 pm: Registration
8:00–10:00 am: Flavor Labeling Committee Meeting
10:00–11:00 am: Communications & Membership Committee Meeting
11:00 am–12:00 pm: Program Committee Meeting
11:00 am–12:00 pm: Vanilla Sub-committee Meeting
12:00–5:00 pm: Hospitality Cabana
12:30–1:30 pm: Lunch
2:00–5:30 pm
- President's Address—Leslie L. Blau
- Executive Director's Report—Glenn Roberts
- General Session: "The Changing World of Beverage Business"
- Sarah Theodore (Beverage Industry Magazine)
- Representatives from Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and an alcoholic beverage manufacturer
6:30–11:00 pm: Kentucky Derby Reception & Dinner
Tuesday, May 8
7:30 am–6:00 pm: Registration
7:30–9:00 am: Breakfast Session: Strategic Planning
9:00 am–12:00 pm: General Session: "The Changing World of the Beverage Business"
- Carol Dollard (Glaceau)
- Cheryl Mitchell (Creative Research Management)
- Marilyn Swanson (Baylor College of Medicine)
12:00–5:00 pm: Hospitality Cabana
12:30–5:30 pm: Sports Tournaments
2:00–4:00 pm: Small group discussions and FEMA/RIFM database demonstration
7:00–8:00 pm: Presidents' Reception
8:00–11:00 pm: Banquet and Dance
Wednesday, May 9
8:30–11:00 am: Breakfast & Meeting: Respiratory Safety—John Hallagan
11:00–11:30 am: Business Meeting