δ-Tetradecalactone Natural
Supplier: Sigma Aldrich
FEMA# 3590, CAS# 2721-22-4
Natural occurrence: Beef, chicken and pork fat, butter, cheese, coconut oil and tuberose oil.
Odor: @ 100%.Waxy, fatty and dairylike with a dairy nuance.
Taste: @ 10 ppm. Slightly dairylike, waxy and creamy with a rich mouthfeel.
Taste: @ 20 ppm. Waxy, fatty, nutty, creamy and smooth with a hint of coconut.
Possible application: The creamy, fatty notes of this lactone will add richness and full-fat depth to dairy flavors including whipped and ice cream, fresh and aged cheese, milk, butter, yogurt, etc. It will also be very useful in fat replacer flavors, in coconut and in oily nuts like macadamia, pecan, Brazil nut and almond.
Sigma Aldrich: www.sigmaaldrich.com
Vanilla Bourbon Oleoresin 20x
Supplier: Bontoux
FEMA# 3106, CAS# 8023-78-7, Vanilla spp., natural
Odor: @ 100%. Resinous, smoky, slightly spicy and vanillinlike.
Taste: @ 100 ppm. Resinous, woody, brown and vanillinlike.
Possible applications: This oleoresin will add character and depth especially to wood-aged alcohol flavors like whiskey, rye, rum and chardonnay. It will also be well-used in sweet brown flavors like maple, caramel, chocolate and tobacco.
Bontoux: bontoux.com
Lemon Oil Organic
Supplier: Bontoux
FEMA# 2625, CAS# 8008-56-8, Citrus limon, natural
Odor: @ 100%.Earthy, green, slightly juicelike and lemon.
Taste: @ 10 ppm. Fresh, lemon peel and zesty.
Taste: @ 20 ppm. Fresh, lemon peel and zesty.
Possible applications: This essential oil can be used wherever lemon oil is, albeit in flavors requiring organic certification.
Bontoux: bontoux.com