On February 15, 2018, Incite 2018 was held at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)-India Institute of Toxicology Research(IITR) Auditorium, in Lucknow, India, and brought together fragrance professionals to discuss a variety of topics.
Among the main objective of the conference was to discuss issues surrounding safety standards, regulations and sustainability of fragrance materials. Speakers and delegates participated in brainstorming sessions to find solutions for these problems facing the fragrance industry. The event was jointly organized by the Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Fragrance and Flavor Development Center, Research Institute of Fragrance Materials (RIFM), International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and Ultra International Limited.
Adjusting to Changing Times
During the event, fragrance professionals, researchers and experts discussed and presented on issues surrounding the fragrance industry. Some of the speakers and topics include:
- Challenges facing the fragrance industry with Sant Kumar Sanganeria, founder, chairman and managing director of Ultra International Limited. During his presentation, he talked about fragrance's international character, diversity and some of the emerging markets. Additionally, he discussed how regulations should be viewed as opportunities, how to promote and develop safety and efficacy and how to collaborate between institutes like IITR and IFRA & RIFM.
- Early mint technology presented by Anil Kumar Tripathi, director of the Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. During this presentation, Tripathi discussed early mint processes that used less water for irrigation and increased production.
- The changing fragrance environment with Michael Carlos, chairman of IFRA. Carlos shared his views on how the fragrance industry needs to effectively deal with changing global demands. He also stated his job isn’t to impose restrictions but to help Indian government and industry navigate the evolving regulatory landscape.
Other speakers and delegates at the event included Alok Dhawan, director of Indian Institute of Toxicology Research; James C. Romine, Ph.D., president of Research Institute of Fragrance Materials (RIFM); Sant Kumar Sanganeria, founder, chairman and managing director of Ultra International Limited; Martina Bianchini, president of IFRA; Atish Patel toxicologist for RIFM; Shekhar Mitra, Ph.D., president of InnoPreneur and former senior VP at P&G; Rahul Parakhia, Ph.D., toxicologist; Anne Marie Api, Ph.D., vice president of RIFM; and more.
"The fragrance industry is unique and special because of its interdependent and international character, because of its historical origins [and] the role it [plays] in expressing culture and in enriching human lives," said Sanganeria.