Final Day for Discounted Flavorcon 2023 Hotel Rates

Get 20% off your hotel stay for Flavorcon 2023 by booking by October 17.
Get 20% off your hotel stay for Flavorcon 2023 by booking by October 17.
Pexels by Leah Kelley

Have you booked your hotel yet for your Flavorcon 2023 adventure? Be sure to book your hotel room with the codes below to ensure reduced rates for your stay! Flavorcon kicks off on November 7 with the Flavorist Master Class followed by two days of conferences and expo hall exploration.

Get 20% off your hotel stay for Flavorcon 2023 by booking by October 17.

Flvcn Reduced Rates Ext Eblast

Flavorist Master Class

New to Flavorcon, this first-come first-served pre-Flavorcon session is designed to take attendees on a guided tour through a lineup of organoleptic materials with the help of Bell Flavor & Fragrances principal flavorist, Cyndie Lipka, and independent flavorist and “Flavor Bites” columnist, John Wright. Attendees will be split into two groups, first attending a 45-minute session with one of the flavorists and then swapping to join a 45-minute session with the other. These sessions are a $50 add on to your conference registration.

This event has limited seating so be sure to register ASAP to secure your seat, visit

Register Today

The time has officially come—registration is now open for Flavorcon 2023! Scheduled for November 7-9 in Cincinnati, OH.

To give flavorists and product developers the tools they need to succeed in an increasingly complex market, Flavorcon will connect the dots among emerging R&D advances, food and beverage market and flavor trends, and supply chain innovations. The two-day conference will include a series of data/analytics presentations, interactive educational talks and panel discussions featuring some of the industry’s leading experts. Attendees will come away inspired with new tools and connections to create flavorful wins and products consumers love.

More in Flavorcon Coverage