drom Fragrances Recieves ISO Certification

drom Fragrances (Baierbrunn, Germany) has received ISO 14001 certification for its environmental management system. The most recent initiatives based on the environmental policy involve switching to steam cleaning of production facilities, thus drastically reducing the volume of cleaning products discharged into the environment. The next big step—a transition to renewable energy sources—will come in 2008. New solar panels will generate enough power to cover the needs of the entire company, including production. 

To establish company-wide support for protecting the environment and to ensure that all business processes undergo continuous review and refinement, drom has formalized its environment-friendly policies by making environmental protection a management task. drom is equally demanding when it comes to the environmental behavior of its suppliers and service providers. The reliability and specialized knowledge of all partners is reviewed, and any partner that works on drom property must meet the company’s environmental standards.