The Perfumed Plume Awards have announced that its third awards celebration will take place in New York City On Wednesday, April 11, 2018. In addition, they have announced a call for paper for its 2018 event.
Writers are encouraged to submit original, creative articles on fragrance design. Articles should take a cultural, historical, scientific or personal approach to discussing the craft of perfumery. Additionally, works should not consist of promotional materials or interviews. Submissions will be accepted from November 1, 2017, until January 31, 2018.
“We were energized by the number and quality of submissions received last year from the incredibly talented fragrance writers both home and abroad," comments Mary Ellen Lapsansky, co-founder. “We are hoping to double the number of submissions going into the 2018 awards process.”
For more details about the award ceremony and article submissions, visit its website at www.perfumedplume.com.