Have you registered for Flavorcon 2022 yet? This event is an opportunity to enrich your flavor journey. Connect with colleagues from around the world, experience new ingredients and learn from flavor experts.
The clock is ticking to secure you Flavorcon 2022 early bird tickets! You don't want to miss out on saving hundreds on your ticket to the upcoming two-day flavor-forward event.
>>>Early bird tickets are now available.<<<
FMCG professionals, flavor chemists, food scientists, purchasers, and allied formulation/creation specialists pay only $895 for their early bird tickets. Early bird rates end on October 15, elevating prices to $1,200. Societ of Flavor Chemists members also receive an exclusive discount. For all pricing, visit flavorcon.com.
Scheduled for November 9-10 in Cincinnati, OH, flavor experts will assemble from around the world to discover the latest insights from industry professionals. Society of Flavor Chemists members also receive an exclusive discount. Don't miss out!