Flavor manufacturer Sonarome opened a new spray-drying plant and office building in Doddaballapur, Bangalore. According to T.S. Gulhati, chairman of Sonarome Private Limited, the production capacity of the new plant is 1,000 tonnes of finished products per year. “The spray-drying process ensures that the full aromatics profile is retained, and indeed it allows the use of constituents that could not readily be incorporated into traditional liquid flavors. The initial sensory impact of spray-dried flavors is dull, but once wetted the encapsulated aromatics are freed, and the full aroma and flavor is achieved. Our spray-drying plant is fully computerized and even the cleaning operation is carried out automatically.” Primary applications for these spray-dried products will include pharmaceuticals, health and energy beverages, and instant powder products such as desserts.
Sonarome Debuts New Spray-drying Plant, Office
Oct 19th, 2011