IFRA North America Releases Fragrance Creation Film

IFRA North America has released the first in a series of short animated films it has produced to help further educate people on the art and science of creating fragrance. Titled “Making Scents,” the film leads viewers through different types of fragrance ingredients and research, as well as safety testing and other steps involved in fragrance development, and it helps track the progression to the making of successful fragrance.

“Fragrances and scents are part of the daily lives of people around the world, yet most people don’t understand the research and artistry that goes into making a single fragrance,” said Jennifer Abril, IFRA North America’s executive director. “A fragrance artist must work with a specified palette of tested ingredients to create a new scent. It takes years to design the perfect fragrance, so it makes sense that fragrance makers do not share the unique recipes for their creations.”