On the heels of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee's scheduled hearing and committee vote on the Safe Chemicals Act on Wednesday, The American Cleaning Institute (ACI; Washington, DC) affirmed its commitment to a bipartisan bill that promotes chemical safety reform while protecting jobs and chemical innovation.
“ACI has been and remains committed to passage of legislation that strengthens and modernizes the Toxic Substance Control Act," said Ernie Rosenberg, ACI president and CEO, in addressing the July 25 markup of the Safe Chemicals Act by the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
"We have been thoroughly engaged in bipartisan discussions to get us on that path," Rosenberg added. “It is critical that any legislation enacted into law continues to enhance consumer confidence in a strong, reliable and credible federal chemical management program."
Rosenberg also affirmed the importance of a bill that protects product and process innovations without detracting from the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to conduct a robust chemical management program.
“We recognize and commend the effort and engagement of many Senators on both sides of the aisle. ACI will work toward opportunities for all sides to come together for a bipartisan, bicameral bill that promotes the safe use of chemicals, enhances public confidence in the chemical management system, protects American jobs and maintains US global leadership in chemical innovation," he said.