DSM Launches Salt Reducer

DSM Food Specialties (Delft, Netherlands) has launched Sensarite, a range of taste potentiators created for use in bakery and dairy applications. Based on yeast, Sensarite enables the creation of products with a salt reduction of up to 50%. It can be used to boost saltiness, intensify and balance flavor profiles, and provide masking capabilities.

Of the new product range, DSM business manager of Sensarite Hanneke Veldhuis said, “We have carried out a series of studies at our Food Innovation Centre which, combined with the results of sensory testing, demonstrates the positive impact of using Sensarite in a range of key healthier food applications. Baked goods, for example, can be reformulated with Sensarite to create excellent tasting products with extremely low salt levels. Whilst low fat dairy applications can now benefit from the positive taste enhancing qualities of Sensarite.”