At the upcoming 12th Annual West Coast Flavor Industry Forum—to be held at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Garden Grove (Anaheim), California, on March 8, 2012, and a joint collaboration between the National Association of Flavors and Food-Ingredient Systems (NAFFS), the Chemical Sources Association (CSA) and the Society of Flavor Chemists (SFC)—presentations on microencapsulation and on calcium utilization ingredients will be offered, in addition to the forum’s networking breakfast and lunch opportunities.
Discussing microencapsulation, Bob Sobel, director of technology and innovation at FONA, will provide a review of contemporary techniques that will address many of the chemical and physical challenges that exist for flavor encapsulation, including flavor equilibrium, vapor pressure and solvation energy relationships, matrix selection, and controlled flavor delivery. Sobel also will explain how superior product performance can be achieved through balancing these different chemical and physical phenomena.
Rodger H. Jonas, director of national sales at P.L. Thomas, will present “K2 for Improved Calcium Utilization and New Ingredients for Mood,” reviewing the results of new studies concerning the impact of the vitamin K2 on sustainable energy and cramps, for both the athlete and non-athlete, along with a model of how K2 works in improving the utilization of calcium and its impact on bone and heart health. He will also discuss Zembrin, a mood product with clinical support that opens the door for additional mood ingredients to help in areas such as weight management and cognitive ability.
More information and registration for this event is available here.