The Perfumed Plume has opened it submissions for the 2021 Awards for Fragrance Journalism.
Related: Perfumed Plume Announces 2020 Award Winners
The Perfumed Plume Awards showcases writers whose editorials or books, published between January and December 2020, provided a broader awareness and appreciation for fragrance through informative and entertaining "scent-centric" stories.
Submissions are open for the following categories:
Perfume Stories in Mainstream Media- print- magazines and newspapers
Perfume Stories in Mainstream Media- digital- magazines, newspapers, blog postings, webzines
Short 'n Sweet Perfume Stories- print or digital
Visualization of Perfume Stories (will be judged solely on the visuals accompanying the perfume story)- print and digital
INSTApost- perfume stories on Instagram
Fragrance Books
Publications may submit 2 articles per award category with a minimum number of words of 500, except for two new categories: Short ’n Sweet Perfume Stories and INSTApost.
The timeline for the 2021 awards is as follows:
Timing: January 1, 2020- December 31, 2020
Request for Submissions: Beginning December 14, 2020
Submission Deadline: February 12, 2021