Naturex 1H Revenue Climbs On Rapid Nutrition, Health Growth

Naturex’s first-half revenue rose 12.6%, amid rapid growth in its nutrition and health division.

For the first half, revenue rose to €165.8 million from €147.2 million a year earlier. At constant exchange rates, first-half sales rose 13.4% with 11% from organic growth and 2.4% from changes in group structure (mainly Decas Botanical Synergies).

The food and beverage division had revenue of €94.1 million, up 0.9% at constant exchange rates, bolstered by stronger momentum in the second half, particularly in the range of fruit and vegetable powders. Sales nevertheless continued to be impacted by the slowdown of the distribution activity in Australia.

Nutrition and health posted strong growth of 33.6% at constant exchange rates to reach revenue of €59.1 million in the first half, still driven by positive market trends, particularly in the United States, and a diversified range of plant extracts and innovative concepts.

Personal care, which represents 1.8% of total revenue, has continued to develop with sales of €3 million, up 17.2% at constant exchange rates from the 2012 first half.

Toll manufacturing revenue came to €9.5 million, up 60.2% at constant exchange rates, despite the slower pace of sales in the second quarter.

By region, the Europe/Africa region had revenue of €78.3 million, up 10.1% at constant exchange rates from the 2012 first half, due to growing contributions both from toll manufacturing as well as from selected European countries. The Americas, with revenue of €68.5 million, achieved further gains both in North America, mainly from the good performance of the nutraceutical market in the U.S., and continuing development in Latin American countries. The Asia/Pacific region had moderate growth of 6.6% at constant exchange rates to reach €18.9 million, in large part reflecting the continuing slowdown in the distribution of ingredients in Australia. Asian countries, accounting for 51.2% of revenue for the entire Asia/Pacific region in the first half, continued their expansion.