ShengYuan Members Recognized by City of JiaXing

Eddy Liu (left), head of the regulatory department, and Alex Jiang (right), head of laboratories, ShengYuan.
Eddy Liu (left), head of the regulatory department, and Alex Jiang (right), head of laboratories, ShengYuan.

ShengYuan has announced that Eddy Liu, head of the regulatory department, and Alex Jiang, head of laboratories, have been recognized by the City of JiaXing, where ShengYuan F&F is headquartered, for their work in technology and innovation in corporate quality control for flavor and fragrance ingredients. 

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Specifically, they are being recognized for their respective roles in creating a proprietary technical approach to increase the effectiveness and testing response of ShengYuan’s natural products.

YuanQing Zhang, CEO of ShengYuan F&F stated: “Eddy and Alex are crucial members of our global team supporting Customer Care for fast response and prompt turn-around. So, we are delighted to see their hard work receive the appreciation and recognition it deserves.”