Kao Corporation Selected for Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index

Kao Corporation is one of 325 companies selected for the inclusion of Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index for 2020.
Kao Corporation is one of 325 companies selected for the inclusion of Bloomberg's Gender-Equality Index for 2020.

For its second consecutive year, Kao Corporation has been selected for inclusion in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), which identifies companies that have demonstrated outstanding performance in the area of gender reporting and measures to advance gender equality.

Previously: Kao Corporation Named Corporate Knights' Global 100 Most Sustainable

A total of 325 companies from 42 countries and regions were chosen to be included in the GEI for 2020.

Previously: Beauty and F&F Companies Make This Year's CDP A List

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for investors and business enterprises to utilize environmental, social and governance (ESG) related data as an important reference when evaluating companies and making assessments of risk, performance, etc.

The GEI, which is the world’s only comprehensive investment-quality data source on gender equality, was developed by Bloomberg in order to realize a higher level of transparency in relation to the information that corporations disclose.

Bloomberg’s GEI aims to quantify, from a gender equality perspective, the gender ratio of participation in individual companies’ initiatives, the formulation of employees codes of conduct, support for and participation in external communication and provision of products that embody gender equality ideals.

In April 2019, the Kao Group established its ESG strategy, the Kirei Lifestyle Plan, with the creation of inclusive and diverse workplaces being one of the prioritized actions of the plan. Kao will also implement its ESG activities including diversity and inclusion promotion globally to deliver satisfaction and enriched lives for people around the world and to contribute to the sustainability of society.

“Kao aims to provide new value for society by leveraging diversity to generate vitality,” Akio Matsui, senior vice president for human capital development at Kao Corporation, said. “To this end, we welcome individual employees’ diverse personalities and values, and, as an organization, we strive to enable them to develop their individual passions and capabilities as much as possible. While continuing to promote diversity and inclusion, Kao will also be endeavoring to enhance the transparency of our activities, and, in doing so, will strengthen our corporate value by creating revolutionary new value for society.”