Entry Level Fragrance Course

The Fragrance Foundation has introduced the Entry Level Fragrance (ELF) course, an online resource geared toward part-time, holiday/temporary sales associates, or any sales person who is new to the fragrance category. The content of the ELF course focuses on very basic fragrance knowledge and terms with a large portion of the content devoted to fragrance-selling skills. Online registration and course study will begin mid-September and finish in November, at a fee of $50 per person.

Of the new course, The Fragrance Foundation’s executive director Mary Ellen Lapsansky said, “We are pleased to introduce the ELF course as part of our efforts to increase fragrance education amongst sales associates. We see it as a great benefit to the fragrance companies and retailers that need to hire part-time/temporary help at certain times of the year or that hire permanent sales people from other departments who are not versed in the fragrance category.”

For more information, or to enroll in the ELF course, visit www.fragrance.org or contact TurnIP Digital; tel: 1-877-654-5331; e-mail: [email protected].