BioFach 2023

Feb 14th, 2023
Feb 17th, 2023
Phone:+49 9 11 86 06-96 96

BioFach 2023 will hold its annual trade fair for organic products. It also acts as a meeting for suppliers and members of the production and trade sectors of the organic industry. The agenda also includes a variety of panels on organic and vegan products, industry trends, and other programming centering on market and consumer analysis. BioFach 2023 will host guests in tandem with Vivaness 2023, a natural and organic cosmetic trade fair. 

Early registration for the full convention with public transportation for early registrants is €65 until January 31, and goes up to €89 on February 1. Early registration for a one-day pass with public transportation is €45 until January 31, and goes up to €59 on February 1. Digital event tickets may be purchased early for €45 until January 31, and after that will cost €59 to attend. 

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