P&F magazine seeks articles on the following topics:
- Solutions to flavor and fragrance formulation challenges (including processes, insights into formulation for specific applications, raw materials, technologies, etc.)
- Raw materials (aroma chemicals, essential oils, etc.)
- Flavor and fragrance chemistry
- Technologies
- Trends
- Regulatory issues
- Opinion pieces on issues facing the industry
(Review P&F magazine's editorial submission calendar here.) Authors can request the 2025 editorial calendar by emailing Emily Little, associate managing editor at [email protected].
Submission Requirements
Articles may be of any manageable length—we ask that authors write as much as is needed to cover the selected topic in sufficient depth. Potential authors should consider the following key principles before submitting:
- Work must be original, and the article (in the form submitted) must be exclusive to P&F magazine
- Article is product-neutral/non-promotional in nature
- Content is timely and honed for our core audience of perfumers, flavorists and allied colleagues
Work may be submitted directly to Emily Little, associate managing editor. Please submit manuscripts four months prior to publication*. Authors are given an opportunity to review any edits to their work prior to publication.
*Publication dates for editorial are always tentative. While we strive to meet the requests of our authors, the final publication date is at the editor's discretion.
NOTE: Authors will receive 1 print copy of the issue containing their article upon publication. Additional magazine copies and PDFs of articles can be ordered by request only.
Manuscript Format
- Word document.
- Electronic files of your figures/diagrams can be emailed and the format will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Each figure/diagram must be numbered and include a title/caption. Figures and diagrams should include relevant information to the text to illustrate a point or provide supporting data. Figures should not include trade names; please substitute the appropriate chemical or general name as it is referred to in the text.
- Acceptable forms of artwork include: electronic files 300 dpi or higher in quality.
- Manuscript layout:
1) Headline. 2) Byline—including the name and business affiliation of each author, with the lead author’s name listed first. Please include the city, state and country for each company. 3) References are used to support your information and claims, thereby lending credibility to the paper. Please do not type the references as endnotes, simply list them as text at the end of the paper. Examples of the preferred style include: 1) journals, 2) books, 3) chapters in books, and 4) patents. 1. AP Tyler, TR Palmer Jr and JG Smith, Update on surfactants for shampoos, J Soc Cosmet Chem 99(4) 43-54 (1987) 2. R Schueller and P Romanowski, Beginning Cosmetic Chemistry, Carol Stream, IL: Allured Publishing (1999) 3. D Orth and Y Appa, Glycerine: A natural ingredient for moisturizing skin, Chapter 18 in Dry Skin and Moisturizers – Chemistry and Function, M Lodén and HI Maibach, eds, Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press (2000) pp 213-228 4. US Pat 4,111,323, Copolymers for shampoo formulations, AP Tyler and JP Smith, assigned to The Cosmetic House (Dec 10, 1987) - Editorial pieces should range between 800-1,300 words. Accommodating larger pieces or studies are considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Tables: Please use tabs—not space bars. Tables should preferably be submitted in a Word format, not in an Excel spreadsheet. Each table should be placed at the end of the paper and be given a title/caption.
Instructions for Naturals Articles
- Public source data or information must be fully referenced.
- Web site references are unacceptable.
- Keep the number of times your company name appears in the article to a bare minimum.
- Do not make the article a sales pitch.
- Use many photos to enhance the text.
- Make the text accurate and not ambiguous.
- Do not list un-referenced data re-chemical composition, production statistics, etc. unless they are original by the author or referenced to a member of the author’s company.
- Do not add quotes from customers of the product in the text.
- Keep company quotes to a bare minimum.
- Keep the personal pronoun to a bare minimum.
- Remember the reader wants to learn something about the natural such as:
- Where is natural raw material grown, how much is the annual production and what does it look like?
- What are the sensitivities encountered when growing or producing the natural and are there various cultivars that have been selected to yield a more acceptable natural raw material?
- How is it harvested and how is it graded?
- How is it processed and are there other processing methods used?
- What forms of the natural are available and what are their differences?
- How are various forms of the natural used in the flavor and fragrance industries?
Send all finished papers, article proposals or questions to the managing editor at [email protected].