trans-2-Dodecenal in Savory, Citrus, Fruit, Dairy & Other Flavors

Fried onion flavors are similar to fried garlic flavors, but a little more restrained. One hundred ppm works well.
Fried onion flavors are similar to fried garlic flavors, but a little more restrained. One hundred ppm works well.
Adobe Stock

trans-2-Dodecenal (FEMA# 402, CAS# 20407-84-5) forms a key part of cilantro flavors. It is usually the second ingredient, after trans-2-decenal, which is even more strongly characteristic of fresh coriander leaves. It also performs a number of other very different, but equally useful roles. In savory flavors, where there is an aspect of cooked or fried oil, it helps to build an attractive fried note. It reduces the reliance on 2,4-decadienal, which can easily introduce an unpleasantly oxidized nuance. In citrus flavors, trans-2-dodecenal can lift all categories, but it is especially good in mandarin and tangerine profiles. The final role is much more subtle but, at a low level, it adds an attractive skin note to fruit flavors.

Read this article in Perfumer & Flavorist+'s April 2024 issue.

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