IP Rankings for Food/Beverage Industry

A new report from The Patent Board ranks the top 10 food, beverage and tobacco companies based on patent portfolio analysis (as of January 1, 2008):

  1. Japan Tobacco Inc.
  2. Ajinomoto Co. Inc.
  3. Kraft Foods Inc.
  4. Stine Seed Co.
  5. Altria Group Inc.
  6. PepsiCo Inc.
  7. Nestle SA
  8. Reynolds American Inc.
  9. Cargill Inc.
  10. Danisco A/S

In explaining the list, the Board cites a 2007 article from IAM Magazine, stating, "Intellectual property is becoming a driving force in determining corporate, regional and national economic success ... Patents are becoming increasingly more predictive as a greater percentage of a company's enterprise value is linked to its intangible assets."


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