Flavor Library Help

Ingredient Name

Enter one or more words. Partial matches will be included (e.g., "lemon" will pull up "lemonade"). Results are ranked by relevance.

FEMA Number

This database does not contain all FEMA-approved materials.

CAS Number

Not all CAS-labeled materials are included in this database. Some materials that have two CAS numbers may only be listed under one of them, so try searching with both.

Taste Descriptors

Select one or more taste descriptors from our list of common terms (just click on the "Taste Descriptors" header) or refine your search by typing in your own keywords.

Odor Profile

Select one or more odor descriptors from our list of common terms (just click on the "Odor Profile" header) or refine your search by typing in your own keywords.

Possible Applications

Select one or more applications from our list of common terms (just click on the "Possible Applications" header) or refine your search by typing in your own keywords. Applications may be as broad as "lemon" or as narrow as "lemon beverage."


If desired, you may specify natural, artificial or nature identical.

Natural Occurrence

Enter the desired natural occurrence term(s) here. For example, if you are looking for a material that occurs naturally in strawberries, you would type "strawberry" in this field.


This is a list of companies that supply the material. So, if you are searching for a certain material that, say, IFF supplies, you can enter "IFF" here.